
Thank you for visiting this blog.

I’m an active campaigner for adult learning with wide experience of senior management and of teaching in the secondary, further, higher and voluntary education sectors. I’m using social media to keep on learning from and with others.

I’m intrigued by adult education developments including theory, practice and policy but am especially committed to high quality adult and community learning that is challenging, motivating and infectious with collective benefits across all aspects and stages of life.

I was the Deputy CEO and Director for Education with the Worker’s Educational Association until I retired from that role in June 2015. Many references to the WEA can be found in blogs before that date but the blog is entirely independent and reflects my personal views.



Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AnnWalker

LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=130351516&trk=tab_pro

2 Responses to Welcome

  1. Andrew Westwood-Bate says:

    Dear Ann
    I think this is a great idea, I am all for using the modern technology as much as we can in the WEA. I am currently chairing a working party in the eastern Region on Publicity & Marketing & I think we have to use all the tools available to us, not forgetting that we need to meet the needs of all the WEA Family.
    One of the first thinks we discussed today was the need for a statement of what the WEA was and what it does across all the different strands, so that when we carryout publicity, using the local press & especially the village newsletters we have a consistent message.
    I have signed up to your blog and will follow you on twitter although anm more of a reader than a tweeter at the moment
    Best Wishes
    Andrew Westwood-Bate
    Cambridgeshire Federation of WEA Branches

  2. Pingback: Link to Website for Adult Learning: 10 Blogs about Adult Education | English Language Site for Students and Teachers

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