About Ann Walker
Adult education and lifelong learning specialist and campaigner. LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/1GI0QK1

5 Responses to 20 reasons to use Twitter in adult learning

  1. Another thought provoking post Ann.
    Digital platforms always provoke debate – do they create opportunities or do they exclude people? They are probably most effective where they can be integrated as part of broader engagement as is the case with the WEA. Twitter provides another opportunity and yet is not the only way of achieving similar outcomes. Love it or hate it, twitter (and its counterparts) are probably here to stay, so if the WEA can use it productively to engage and communicate then ultimately the organisation and the students ultimately benefit. It will always be a complimentary technology rather than a replacement for alternative and more traditional forums.

  2. Great write up, again, Ann.

    Key things that you allude to in your write up, that I’ve found incredibly beneficial from Twitter :-

    – Learning of stuff before it hits the mainstream media, sometimes I also hear stuff on twitter that never gets big enough to hit the mainstream media, but is still very interesting i.e. Who hears of TED talks http://www.ted.com/talks in the mainstream media and yet they are incredibly insightful and incredibly educational.

    – Having an insight into the thoughts and learnings of very respected and sucessful individuals, I was sign posted recently to the book “Mandela’s Way” by a tweet from Richard Branson, prior to this I knew little of Mandela and his idea’s, now, as with the benefit of many books, I am far richer in the knowledge of this great and increible individual and personally wasn’t aware of the extent of his incredible journey.

    – Developing connections that could NEVER happen in the real world ! I tweeted about the Pitmen painter’s comming to my local theatre, from this I got an insightful and useful response from an idividual about the presentation, I asked the individual what their connection was with the Ashington group, I got the following response ! – “I am acting as trustee for the group, it’s voluntary and mostly about managing royalties.” – purely incredible and rarely occurs in the real world !

    If your reading this and don’t understand what Twitter is all about, the following is a write up I created for the DAIN WEA project a little while ago :-

    Twitter – What’s it all about

    And if you use Twitter, you’ll find the following tools incredibly useful :-

    http://allmytweets.net Literally shows you a list of everything you’ve ever posted on Twitter

    http://snapbird.org Search someone’s twitter timeline for a specific phrase

    http://twitlonger.com When you just have to break the rules and can’t stay to 140 characters

  3. Pingback: Social Networking Technologies – HelenaBest@wordpress.com

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